July 2023 Delaware Tent of Meeting . This months tent is starting July 28th kick off on Friday, at 7pm, with prayer for All for One and a message from Pastora Maribel Zaragoza. Worship slots starting at 9pm. The tent will be non-stop until July30th ending at 12pm. This months Tent will have on 7pm Unity Service on Saturday. We are raising a song and sound to the Lord on our State Capital of Delaware. Services will go from 7 PM to 9 PM every night with guest speakers featuring youth bands and a Unity Service Saturday, with a Sunday service from 10am to 12pm. Worship slots available from midnight to service times all weekend.
In addition this month we will also be having:
- There will be showers available and free clothing on Saturday from 9am to 5pm
- free food will be served on Saturday and Sunday from 12pm to 2pm!